In this award-winning DVD presentation, career expert and author Cliff Ennico introduces you to the world of entrepreneurship and self-employment.
Your former employer may have laid you off, but you are far from a failure! There are plenty of career opportunities outside of the corporate arena, and sooner or later you will have to consider one or more of them. Does the thought of working for yourself scare you to death? Do you question whether you have the “right stuff” to succeed as a self-employed professional or small business owner? Are you thinking about buying a business or franchise? Or starting your own consulting practice? Or trying to earn some extra cash from a cherished hobby? If you are, then this program is the place to start.
Emphasizing the need to build “multiple streams of income” as a hedge against whatever the economy or the corporate job market is doing, Cliff walks you through the different types of entrepreneurial career, and tells you —
in a way you will never forget — what you need to learn (and become) in order to succeed in your own business.
In this six hour program, you will learn, among other things:
- how to build a career the same way you would an investment portfolio — by engaging in complementary but diverse activities that all bring in revenue;
- the four reasons why you probably won’t be working in a large corporation for very much longer;
- the four types of entrepreneurial career (there are only four), and the advantages and disadvantages of each;
- how to find and identify your “natural customers” — the people who will buy anything from you;
- the two reasons (there are only two) why anyone buys any product or service from you;
- how to sell anything to anybody (well, just about);
- the three secrets to success in a service or consulting business;
- how to develop a winning advertising and promotion program for your business; and
- the three personality traits that separate winners from losers in the entrepreneurial world.
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Otherwise, please send a check or money order for $99.95, payable to “Cliff Ennico”, to:
Succeeding in Your Business
2490 Black Rock Turnpike, # 354
Fairfield, Connecticut 06825-2400, USA
All orders will ship within 24 hours of receipt. If you are located outside of the United States of America, please add $10.00 for shipping/handling. Connecticut residents please add $6.35 sales tax. ($106.30 total)